Computer Requirements
Computer Requirements, Virginia Tech. Photo by Thomas Miller for Virginia Tech.

General Item
General Item
General Item
General Item
General Item
General Item
Planning to take courses online?
If you plan to take online courses, and will not be on campus, it is suggested that you visit the Home Internet Tips page for more information. To make sure you have sufficient bandwidth to handle your online course load, contact your advisor, or a representative from your department. The computer requirements have also been updated to include a webcam as required hardware for completing online coursework.
Minimum Requirements
Virginia Tech requires that entering students have a laptop or tablet computer and strongly recommends that entering students obtain a computer that meets or exceeds the university requirements for your major on the List of Specifications page. The minimum requirements for the entering fall class are updated in the prior spring. Note: No students will be denied admission to Virginia Tech based on an inability to purchase a computer.
Get the most up-to-date model
Virginia Tech highly recommends that you wait until the summer to purchase a new computer to get the most up to date system.
Financial Aid
An adjustment to your financial aid for the purchase of a computer may be available by completing a Cost of Attendance appeal through University Scholarships and Financial Aid.
Software Requirements
Students must purchase specific software bundle through the Virginia Tech Software Service Center. Do not purchase software from the computer manufacturer or elsewhere without reading the Virginia Tech Software Suite information.
Acceptable Use Guidelines
For major requirements questions, please reference the contact listed on your major requirements page. Additional assistance can be found on or by calling 540-231-HELP (4357).